quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2020

Miss n proud

i miss my old self
miss my innocence
my inexperience
my trust in people
my kindness to every alive being

i don't miss my old self
don't miss my ignorance
don't miss my blindness
don't miss my weaknesses

i am proud of my self
proud of my knowledge
proud of not giving up
proud of not trusting in any person
proud of saying the truth, even if it hurts

proud of loving someone
proud of hating someone
proud of allowing to be happy
proud of being hurt
proud of living my life the way I wanted

terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2020


There is only 2 things that can devastate my deception
Both start with the first character of your name

What is a mistake made of?
It is made of me
I have blood on my hands
And I'm not proud

I'm lost in a sea of deception
This is the devil's game
I don't like to play with him
Not anymore

I don't want to take a holiday away from you
You're my chosen one
I proved to myself that I am weak
And I'm not proud

I'm lost in a sea of deception...
I'm afraid of the sea and the darkness
But only you can blacken me...

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2020


I don't know what to feel.
I don't know if I should take control
Or just wait to fall apart
I just know
That I want to be in your arms
Can I be there again? 

I want to see your smile again
That dark smile, showing your truth
Now I will see you differently after what you've done
But it always be that darkness on your smile
and deep

I can't be ignorant 
And you can't be a light angel
Always dark
Before I was white
Now I can be anything you want
But please, just ask 
And I'll be always yours

Take care of me
I'm just a weak leaf
I will frozen your heart
My dark angel 

I want to go home
Are you going to be there waiting for me?
Are you warm?
Can you heat my feet because it was cold outside?

You made me see the life in a different way
We are different now
Life is bigger and darker

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2020

Silvery Eyes

Snow... And I feel your arms.
I want you again.
Look at my eyes, Snow.
Blind me with your shine,
Cut me with your soft and strong hands,
Get inside me,
Devour my soul, my flesh, my barriers
Calm me down with your smooth deep voice
I want hear you again.

In the Dark, you devour darkness and chaos,
Put all parts together and make them yours
Controlled by your hands

Ask me, ask me
To be yours
Convince me
To play you, when my answer will be always yours

Freeze me with your eyes
While you're even deeper

You took my hand and broke almost all barriers
You're a goddess
And madness
How can I not be in love with you?

You show me strength what I am capable of
You showed me my secrets, they are yours now
I am capable of loving you
Would you let me?
Would you let me?

I am probably one more number of your maths
People will always want you back, for love or not
I don't care
You're a mermaid made to love
Not just to be pleased

Give me your dry kiss
Wet me with your breath
Being patient with my pains and traumas
Please, let me stay
I just want to cuddle your fake hair
And watch you shine in the dark
While I have you in my arms
Don't let this go
Don't let us go...

Have me on your arms
Possess me
Play me
Glue my mouth onto yours
Freeze my eyes into yours
I will aways say yes
Even when I mean no
I am sorry about how I am
I will say that to you for you reply me "don't be sorry"

segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2020

Love is... (PT)

A imensidão do meu querer,
A ternura em te ver,
O olhar recíproco e o teu sorriso não ingênuo
De alguém que sabe o quer, quer viver este caminho
Enquanto eu caminho
No meu mar de indecisões

É envolver, colher, evoluir
Mas nem sempre estar igual
Você sempre será um misto de você e eu, e eu, de você.

As mudanças chegam, eu não sei onde elas vão nos levar
Mas eu quero estar com você lá
Eu me sinto estranha quando estás longe
Mas sinto liberta, presa na liberdade
Quando você está perto,
Quero sentir o seu calor
Me sentir presa em você, liberta

Cobre-me com sua escuridão
Que eu te acolho com meu arco-íris

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2020

Culpada e Inocente II

Eu me tornei alguém, e continuo me tornando outra pessoa, no final todos ainda serão eu? Quem eu me tornei, foi minha culpa, eu quis ser assim? Ou foi o mundo que me fez assim? Eu não quero ser assim, mas quem não quer sou eu ou esse sentimento é resultado de quem me tornou assim? Eu preciso de ajuda. Devo chamar eu mesma ou quem me tornou assim? 
"Eu" não sei mais, vivo nessa ilusão que pode ser a verdade, ou é a verdade que parece ilusão. Quem saiu da caverna de Platão, que venha me buscar, mas eu não sei a minha localização. Você vai precisar olhar lá fora e se cegar com o sol - ou com a minha aparição - e olhar nas correntes mais profundas e enferrujadas da mais distante caverna. Você - que sou eu, ou a causa do meu eu - faria isso por mim pra me resgatar, ou para me enganar ainda mais nessa realidade (ou ilusão) dos meus pensamentos? Tu me amas, ou me odeias? 
Talvez ambos.
Sou inocente por deixar você cuidar de mim, ou sou culpada por ter deixado?
Fica. E assim a culpa. E vai-se a inocência. 

Tem um novo ser nascendo em mim. Annie, is it you? Or is myself, raw and poor?